The sound of buzzing fills your ears. Will you listen?
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. An empty cottage in the middle of Shirogane . is already a peculiarity, yet on nights when the moon is at its brightest, you can find the windows of the home glowing with candlelight. Should you descend the steps, you'll find an elderly Lalafell hard at work, offering you a wide grin and an offer to try her newest experimental potion. Whether you accept or deny her offer, the doors were opened for a reason. For now, you're a guest in Mumuni Muni's domain, and she's a gracious host so long as you behave.Don't mind the skittering sounds in the walls. They're merely security.

All items are RP only and don't require gil
While Mumuni's hands aren't suited to the labor of a culinarian, she does offer a variety of concoctions of various levels of toxicity to drink while you peruse her wares.. Gil Bun Bracer . A wine made through fermenting a mushroom commonly found in the Black Shroud, its potency is only rivaled by its pungent aroma.. Pixie Plum Pick-me-up . A refreshing fruit juice made with crushed pixie plums with a hint of galagos mint.. Blood Currant Tea . Using Thanalan tea leaves as a basis to the drink, the tartness of the blood currants in the deeply crimson beverage is an acquired taste.. Cauldron Cordial . Not for the faint-hearted. A shimmering liquid ladled from the bubbling cauldron in the corner of the shop. Mumuni is not liable for whatever side effects may occur. (Use /random 100 to see what occurs!)
The Collection
With each adventure, Mumuni retrieves more artifacts to showcase in her shop. Check back with each opening to see the ever changing catalogue. Additionally, members of a certain Adventurers' guild may have access to an expanded selection of wares.
A Timeless Treasure
Discovered by Confederate pirates from a wreckage in the Ruby Sea, the hands of this pocketwatch show a different time every time it's opened.─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───Yukinko Tea Pet
Bought in Kugane, it's a clay figure depicting a rotund figure wearing a straw hat. Should one pour tea over its head, it spits the tea out from its beak, chirping a Hingan nursery song.─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───A Culinarian's Worst Nightmare
A paring knife abandoned by its owner after their restaurant failed. Despite years of neglect, it remains pristine, but dulls the moment it touches food.
A Mysterious Bud
The cuttings from one of the plants found in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum, kept in a glass jar. When exposed to direct moonlight, the stem writhes.─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───Tactical Alarm
An old prototype of Mumuni's. A mechanical beetle that emits a pulse of aether that instills panic in those within its radius once a day.─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───A Bounty
A faded sheet of paper aged from the elements. Whoever reads it will find that it is a wanted poster depicting the person they most despise.